Cooking Method:
Oven Roasted Beets:
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
Place the beet on a roasting tray, sprinkle the brown sugar over it an a drizzle of balsamic vinegar.
Roast for approx. 20 minutes or when the sugar has been absorbed
Apricot Salsa:
In a saucepan bring the white caster sugar, water, cinnamon and star anise to a soft boil.
Add in the apricots until soft and sweet.
Allow cool. Once chilled add the diced chilli and spring onions with the apricots and set aside until ready to plate.
In another pan sauté off half the butter adding in the white onion and one clove of crushed garlic until soft. Add in 100g of Arborio rice.
Add in the stock and allow to simmer on a low heat for seven minutes.
Add in the roasted beets, mozzarella and cream to the risotto.
Season with salt and pepper.
Pan Roasted Castletownbere Cod:
In a hot non-stick pan sear the cod skin side down until golden, turn over for a further two minutes and then finish in the oven until just flaky.
Plating up:
Using a silver cutter place the risotto at the bottom of a bowl, place the pan roasted cod directly on top, skin side up.
Sprinkle some of the apricot salsa over the cod but not too much that you take from the cod’s flavour.
Finish with micro-herbs if you desire to add some colour.