Ann Marie Butler's

Vampire Teeth Cookies

Vampire Teeth Cookies

Vampire Teeth Biscuits

Vampires and their fangs seem to be a staple of Halloween Lore and how better to get ready than to prepare some vampire teeth cookies for snacks with a real bite to them.

Kids of all ages seem to really enjoy these seasonal bites … we just hope they won’t take a bite out of you….

Irish Foodie asked Ann Marie Butler to make up some fun recipes for children to make up for the Halloween Festival.

These recipes will keep the children amused, hopefully they will enjoy their efforts over the holiday and not leave too much mess in the kitchen.

Print Recipe
Prep Time: 25 mins
Vampire Teeth Biscuits
Cook Time: 10 mins
If you are looking for a fang-tastic treat this halloween then Ann Marie Butler’s Vampire Teeth Cookies are something all your little monsters can really sink their teeth into.
The Cookies:
• 140
grams of
• 100
grams of
salted butter
• 175
grams of
light brown sugar
• 2
teaspoons of
vanilla extract
• 50
grams of
ground almonds
• 100
millilitres of
whole milk
Red Icing Paste:
• 200
grams of
icing sugar
• 100
grams of
salted butter (at room temperature)
• 1
teaspoon of
vanilla extract
• 6
drops of
red food colouring
Vampire Teeth:
• 1
bag of
white mini marshmallows
• 20
pieces of
flaked almonds
Cooking Method:
For the Cookies:

Preheat the oven the oven to 180C

Sieve the flour.

Beat the butter and sugar together in a mixer until white and fluffy.

Add in the vanilla extract.

Add in the sieved flour, spoon by spoon until a breadcrumb consistency has formed.

Add in the ground almonds.

Drizzle the milk in slowly as it continues to mix until a beautiful smooth dough has formed.

Optionally, toss in a handful of chocolate chips..

Roll into little 80g balls on a lined tray leaving space between each cookie to allow for spreading.

Bake for 10 Minutes. Allow to cool fully on the tray before removing.

Red Icing Paste:

Sieve the icing sugar into the mixing bowl

Add the rest of the ingredients & mix well

Assemble the Cookies:

Cut the cookies in equal halves..

Spread the red paste thickly across the biscuits.

Line one side of the biscuit with the marshmallows lining them up to look like teeth.

Place the other half of the biscuit over the top.

Place a full flaked almond piece between two marshmallows on both sides, acting as fangs.

If bloody is your thing add more food colouring to the tips of the fangs for effect.

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